complicated starbucks order

Strange but Golden: Complicated Starbucks Orders

Did you know, Starbucks gives amazing deals when you are given an opportunity to place an order, whether it is online or offline, that’s perhaps over the counter? And it will be more intriguing to know that there are so many crazy coffee orders that could be seen.

In this article, I will be listing some complicated Starbucks orders. They make you go “whaaat! Huh? And Wow.

Ready? Let’s begin.

My Complicated Starbucks Order Story

So, my mother goes to place an order over the counter and she is way back behind in the queue. The queue refuses to move quickly even with the fact that the line was pretty long. I guess there were just a few persons who were available to attend to customers. That’s sad!!

This was the longest Starbucks order she had ever seen. While the line kept moving slowly, she got closer to the counter. 

Guess what was happening over there?

Placing of orders, yeah! You got that right. There were so many funny names of orders which she heard and just wanted to keep hearing.

That must have been the day they celebrate the world’s most ridiculous coffee orders day in Starbucks. There were really some most complicated coffee orders that kept me wondering if they actually knew what they wanted.

These annoying Starbucks orders actually kept my mom waiting in the queue for that long. But finally, these were produced so, it means that there are some places that have the most complicated Starbucks drinks.

Whether the names of the drinks are actually that ridiculous, you can always count on Starbucks because they never fail to deliver. Doesn’t matter if it is the white girl Starbucks order or Starbucks half calf or full calf, they always meet the need of their customers in the most amazing way. 

You could decide to have your drink less caffeinated or less creamy and chocolatier. You could also opt for whatever kind of add-ins that suits your mood. It could be milk, cream or whipped air. Either way, you always get to make a pick because Starbucks puts you in control.

The most amazing part is the convenience you have.

I’m sure you must have felt the way my mom felt in that queue. Like how could one person be that demanding? It sure did not seem embarrassing to them.

Below is the list of most obnoxious Starbucks coffee orders that have been found out. Your most ridiculous could be the first and mine could be the last but it still does not change the fact that these are somewhat intolerable.

 longest starbucks order
  1. Tall, non – fat latte with caramel drizzle.
  2. Grande, iced, sugar – free, vanilla latte with soy milk.
  3. Triple, venti, soy, no foam latte.
  4. Triple, venti, half sweet, non – fat, caramel macchiato.
  5. Decaf, soy latte with an extra shot and cream.
  6. Tall, half-caff, soy latte at 120 degrees.
  7. Non – fat Frappuccino with extra whipped cream and chocolate.
  8. Venti ½ & 1/2, 10 pumps vanilla, extra whip.
  9. Grande, quad, non–fat, one pump, no whip, mocha. One quad is equal to four shots of espresso.
  10. Decaf soy latte with an extra shot and cream.
  11. Venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, sugar–free syrup, extra shot, light ice, no whip. Could there be anything like sugar-free syrup?
  12. Quad Grande: non – fat, extra hot caramel macchiato upside down. Like seriously, upside down?
  13. Iced, half-caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4 pumps, sugar-free, cinnamon, Dolce soy skinny latte.
  14. Caramel Macchiato, venti, skim, extra shot, extra hot, extra whip, and sugar–free.
  15. Grande chai tea latte, 3 pumps, skim milk, lite water, no foam, extra hot.
  16. Tall non–fat latte, 2 percent foam.

All these sound crazy but they are people’s choices. Respect!

ridiculous coffee order

How To Order Coffee At Starbucks

Irrespective of the weird Starbucks drinks, you could still have an amazing cup of coffee at Starbucks. Those funny Starbucks drink names can actually be the best for some other person.

Placing an order in Starbucks should not be that complicated. 

You should just choose the one you want and either place the order online or offline. Offline entails that you go over the counter.

If you want to do it online;

  1. Get the App on Android or iPhone and open it.
  2. Choose the drink you want and specify what ounce and quantity of everything you want.
  3. Your payment will surely include tax so do well to confirm that before you get done with the payment.
  4. Before you go to the pick-up, call about 30 minutes before time to make them get to start preparing it. It takes about 15 minutes to completely get done with an order so to be on the safe side, put a call across.
  5. Finally, get there and collect your sumptuous Starbucks order.
  6. Thank me later.

If you want it over the counter then you should think about the stress my mother went through, well she got to learn about some of the most pretentious coffee orders in Starbucks. Either way, it is a win-win.


Next time I want to try an order, I will pick one of those that my mom was able to find out. Let’s see what they fell in love with. What are your thoughts on these complicated Starbucks orders? Tell me what you think.

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